By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness.

There can never be too much love. Love raises our vibration and heals us. Love is a champion, and whose not ready for more champions of love in this world? Let’s wear our love for each other loud and proud.
Each of us
contain dual forces
like joy and fear,
love and hate,
calm and chaos.
The belief that we are
exclusively one or the other
is what often keeps us
not only from each other,
but from ourselves.

Breakdown all of the barriers to self love. Love yourself, and watch everything in your life move lovingly into place. Your vibration will no longer connect with lower, toxic energies. Cosmic love is much more than a mantra on a shirt - this is self love evolution.
OM. “It’s a sound that validates oneness and harmony. We chant it because yogis have for thousands of years. And when we chant it, we’re connecting with those yogis in a ritual way, and drawing upon the support of the practices they’ve been doing for a long, long time.” ~ Yogananda
Whatever is good for your soul, do that.
Do things for the purpose of feeding your light,
not your ego and you will be happy and free.
Tap into that “just after yoga feeling” anytime.
You know that feeling. When you’re steeped in something deeper than yourself; when you’re swept into the liquid energy flow. When an exhale shifts you from the chaos and into stillness, and a peaceful calm settles within you. We call it YogiStoned.